SeoWoo and Her Pink Things
2006 |
Jake and His Blue Things 2006
SeoWoo and Her Pink Things2 2008 |
Yeachan and His Blue Things 2005
Dayeun and Her Pink Things 2007 |
Thomas and His Blue Things 2006
Lauren & Carolyn and Their Pink Things 2006
Alexandra and Her Pink Things 2006
Seunghyuk and His Blue Things 2007
Tess and Her Pink & Purple Things 2006
Terry and His Blue Things 2005 |
Yealin Yang and Her Pink Things 2005
Seyoon and His Blue Things 2007
Yealin Ham and Her Pink Things 2005
Steve and His Blue Things 2006
Maia and Her Pink Things 2006
Kihun and His Blue Things 2007
My current work, The Pink and Blue Projects are the topic of my thesis. This project explores the trends in cultural preferences and
the differences in the tastes of children (and their parents) from diverse cultures, ethnic groups as well as gender socialization and identity.
The work also raises other issues, such as the relationship between gender and consumerism, urbanization, the globalization of consumerism and the new capitalism.
The Pink and Blue Projects were initiated by my five-year-old daughter, who loves the color pink so much that she wanted to wear only pink clothes and play with only pink toys and objects.
I discovered that my daughter¡¯s case was not unusual. In the United States, South Korea and elsewhere, most young girls love pink clothing, accessories and toys.
This phenomenon is widespread among children of various ethnic groups regardless of their cultural backgrounds. Perhaps it is the influence of pervasive commercial
advertisements aimed at little girls and their parents, such as the universally popular Barbie and Hello Kitty merchandise that has developed into a modern trend.
Girls train subconsciously and unconsciously to wear the color pink in order to look feminine.
Pink was once a color associated with masculinity, considered to be a watered down red and held the power associated with that color. In 1914, The Sunday Sentinel,
an American newspaper, advised mothers to ¡°use pink for the boy and blue for the girl, if you are a follower of convention.¡± The change to pink for girls and
blue for boys happened in America and elsewhere only after World War II. As modern society entered twentieth century
political correctness, the concept of gender equality emerged and, as a result, reversed the perspective on the colors associated with each gender as well as
the superficial connections that attached to them . Today, with the effects of advertising on consumer preferences, these color customs are a worldwide standard.
The saccharine, confectionary pink objects that fill my images of little girls and their accessories reveal a pervasive and culturally manipulated expression of
femininity¡± and a desire to be seen. To make these images, I arrange and display the cotton - candy colored belongings of several children in their rooms.
When I began producing the pink images, I became aware of the fact that many boys have a lot of blue possessions. Customers are directed to buy blue items for boys and pink for girls.
In the case of my eleven-year-old son, even though he does not seem to particularly like the color blue over other colors, whenever we shop for his clothes,
the clothes he chooses are from the many-hued blue selection. The clothes and toy sections for children are already divided into pinks for girls and blues for boys.
Their accessories and toys follow suit.
The differences between girls¡¯ objects and boys¡¯ objects are also divided and affect their thinking and behavioral patterns. Many toys and books for girls
are pink, purple, or red, and are related to make up, dress up, cooking, and domestic affairs. However, most toys and books for boys are made from the different
shades of blue and ? are related to robots, industry, science, dinosaurs, etc. This is a phenomenon as intense as the Barbie craze. Manufacturers produce
anthropomorphic ponies that have the characteristics of young girls. They have barrettes, combs and accessories, and the girls adorn and make up the ponies.
These kinds of divided guidelines for the two genders deeply affect children¡¯s gender group identification and social learning.
As girls grow older, their taste for pink changes. Until about 2nd grade, they are very obsessed with the color pink, but around 3rd or 4th grade,
they do not obsess with pink as much anymore. Usually, their tastes change to purple. Later, there is another shift. However,
the original association with the color-code often remains.
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